
2017年9月13日—IwouldliketodisablerunningDHCPserviceusingLinuxcommandlines,inordertousemyownDHCPclientorsetstaticIPaddresses.Iknow ...,dnsmasqfrompackage'dnsmasq-base'startswitha(fromlibvirt)generatedconfiguration:/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf.,2018年3月11日—I'mrunninganUbuntu17.10serverformygameserverssinceitstheonlyplatformwhereSteamissupportedbyValve.It'sanewUbuntu17.10 ...,2014年3月...

EnableDisable running DHCP service using Linux ...

2017年9月13日 — I would like to disable running DHCP service using Linux command lines, inorder to use my own DHCP client or set static IP addresses. I know ...

how to disable dhcp server (dnsmasq

dnsmasq from package 'dnsmasq-base' starts with a (from libvirt) generated configuration: /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf.

How to stop DHCP when I assign a static IP address in ...

2018年3月11日 — I'm running an Ubuntu 17.10 server for my game servers since its the only platform where Steam is supported by Valve. It's a new Ubuntu 17.10 ...

How to stop dhcpd?

2014年3月27日 — How to stop dhcpd? · Try this: sudo service isc-dhcp-server stop. – animaletdesequia · This command returns stop: Unknown job: isc-dhcp-server.

I am not able to stop DHCP server

2015年10月6日 — I have installed DHCP server but when I am trying to stop using stop isc-dhcp-server it is throwing message saying stop: unknown ...


2015年4月14日 — The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network service that enables host computers to be automatically assigned settings from a ...


2017年1月22日 — The command sudo service isc-dhcp-server stop seems don't prevent restarting isc-dhcp service in background, after PC rebooted.

linux networking - Ubuntu

2021年4月19日 — Ubuntu: netplan disable dhcp ... Anyone can explain why I'm getting the dhcp address ? Or at least let me know where I can start ...

Starting and Stopping the DHCP Service

How to Disable the DHCP Service (Command Line) · As root, start dhcpconfig by typing the following command: # /usr/sbin/dhcpconfig · Select Unconfigure DHCP or ...

Stop isc-dhcp

2019年12月16日 — Well, you can disable it by brute force by removing the symbolic links to /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server from the directories in /etc/rc[1-6].d/.